Category: Uncategorized

  • Wandering In The Wilderness

    First off I would like to extend a very kind thanks to Fric for allowing me the honor of posting my own humble thoughts on CatholicManiacs. Ummmm I think revert may be a bit strong of a word for me. It sounds as if I had went to some other religion which was not the…

  • CatholicManiacs Blog Team Expands

    In addition to all the stuff I put out there, cluttering up cyberspace, we’ve decided to expand the Blog team to 4. I’ll let them introduce themselves to you and decide how much to say about themselves. Briefly, they are: Guvner – A revert to the faith after several years spent wandering in the wilderness.…

  • Jimmy Akin is SO Cool.

    Most of you probably know who Jimmy Akin… He’s the main apologetics dude over at Catholic Answers. And he’s into all sorts of similar stuff to the staff here at Catholic Maniacs. What stuff? Babylon 5 and its creator Michael J. Straczynski Stargate SG1 Jonny Quest (Go Here) And he seems to share similar views…

  • That’s the key Fric

    The Church is the rock. Denominations that blow with the wind are shrinking, and those that hold to the old values are growing. Folks are looking for stability, they want their church to be a refuge from constant change.

  • Voice of the Faithless

    Go here. The President of VOTF publicly shows his true intentions in my opinion. He is pissed because there are Bishops in the Church who DARE to uphold the timeless teaching of the Church. VOTF has so far stayed out of most non-abuse issues in the Church, but this guy felt the need to speak…

  • Episcopal Church is Inconsistent on Gays

    Just read an article about a gay wedding in the ECUSA. Seems a “priest” who is divorced (was married and had 5 kids) “married” his gay partner. He told his “bishop” in advance and was given the OK. But there was a big deal made in the media. The “bishop” basically defrocked him. (Is that…

  • New Commenting

    If you’ll notice, there are two comments links on the new posts. has instituted an internal commenting module. I can keep the HaloScan tool or use the Blogger tool. Try out the new one, which is the link after the timestamp. I think I like the new one, but I don’t know if there…

  • Karl Keating’s E-Letter

    If you haven’t subscribed to this, do it now. Go here. Read the archives here. Karl often talks about personal stuff like his passion for hiking, but it’s still interesting. He is most often talking about current issues in the Church or interesting apologetics that come up. This week’s issue is about responses to the…

  • Gone for 10 days and there’s no end to stuff to post on…

    I missed out on so much stuff that could have been commented on. Darn it! I will comment on several things though. The first is the statement by Bishop Aquila about pro-abort Catholics. The Bishop, showing the proverbial episcopal spine that Mark Shea talks about, has said that pro-abort Catholics risk their very souls to…

  • I’m Back!!!!!!!!!

    OK, we are back up and running for the most part. Got the old PC running for the most part, though I am still somewhat wary of it lasting because of what happened. I will be replacing or upgrading this thing ASAP. In the meantime, I will be backing it up ASAP as well. 🙂