Category: Uncategorized
What Makes One “Catholic”?
This question has come up recently in our Maniacs discussions… As the only convert in the group I sometimes see things that Guvnur and Deke take for granted for instance. It’s a matter of being to close to the trees to see the forest. Anyway, we were talking about how some people call themselves Catholic…
If they don’t like the rules then don’t let the door hit ’em in the rear on way out
For entire article Forty-eight Roman Catholic members of Congress have warned in a letter to Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington that U.S. bishops will revive anti-Catholic bigotry and severely harm the church if they deny Communion to politicians who support abortion rights. The letter’s signers, all Democrats, include at least three House members…
This has to be a marriage for the books
For entire story Convicted pedophile priest marries in prison Associated Press BRIDGEWATER, Mass. – Former priest James Porter, a convicted pedophile who once lived in Minnesota and is now awaiting trial on the state’s bid to keep him locked up indefinitely as a sexually dangerous person, got married in prison this week. Porter married…
Christianity is, in Ted Turner’s phrase, “a religion for losers.” Teddy boy you may be able to make a great Civil War movie but some things you don’t have a clue. Many people assume “true” Christianity is wholly and utterly altruistic and sentimental. Often, to illustrate this, Jesus’ command to the rich young man (“Go, sell all you have, give it to the poor,…
My Comments on the Swiss Letter
I read the article and also am disgusted. Let me quote a few paragraphs to show you why. Credibility problem But he said that the Church was best served by the retirement of any pope by age 75, the age when bishops retire. These days, the media are more focused on the Pope’s health than…
Its Never to late to answer a vocational calling,1713,BDC_2477_2887134,00.html Father of 10 decides to become a priest after his wife’s death Leonard had felt a similar calling to the priesthood as a child, and attended a high school seminary in Canton, Ohio. Then he met Mary. They had 10 children and had been married 42 years when she died of ovarian cancer in…
Now this was a heck of a Birthday Card for the Holy Father The Vatica recieved an open letter calling on Pope John Paul II to stand down. The publication of the letter – signed by more than 40 Catholic priests and lay people – coincided with the Pontiff’s 84th birthday on Tuesday. This just burns my rear that people could call themselves Catholic and send this…
Guvnur’s in OverDrive!
Must be nice to be paid to blog. Boss out of the office this week? 🙂
Revised Fundamentalist Baptist Version of the Bible
Go over to Dave Armstrong’s blog… There’s a great entry on the RFBV of the Bible. If you’ve ever debated or studied apologetics, this will have you smiling and laughing. Until you remember that there are a great number of fundies and evangelicals that really do read the Bible this way.
It may have fairies but the Disney we knew is long gone
For the entire article Though most have heard this subject before I believe it is definately worth reminding ourselves that money spent on Disney products and parks go to an organization that supports and promots gay lifestyles. When you buy that cute little plush Mickey Mouse or the lastest Disney movie stop and think…