Category: Uncategorized

  • Hey maybe the Maniacs can be on Catholic News next

    Kentucky businessmen challenge others to ‘think about God’ each day LOUISVILLE, Ky. (CNS) — Sometimes the most remarkable ideas grow from the simplest of notions. Five successful businessmen in the Louisville area decided that they wanted to help others take a single, simple step toward living a better life each day. They wanted to help…

  • Pointing Out That It’s a BABY May Become Illegal in NY

    According to Catholic World News… A bill before the New York Legislature would make it illegal for crisis pregnancy centers to refer pregnant women for ultrasounds. This is extremely chilling for those working the front on the abortion war. According to the April issue of Catholic World Report magazine, a study carried out at a…

  • Abortion may be the end of civilization Abortion May Drag Us To History’s Grave by Connie Lynne Carrillo Anthropologists tell us two of the biggest indicators of a doomed civilization are the practice of infanticide and human sacrifice. In other words, cultures and species that kill their own young do not survive. If history really does repeat itself, then American society…

  • Nothing new to the church reminding Public officials

    The Politics of Communion Church leaders who admonish politicians on moral issues are doing their jobs. A Christianity Today editorial | posted 05/26/2004 In the centuries before Constantine “Christianized” the Roman Empire, the church was wary of politicians. Lists of professions that would bar a person from making gifts to the church, becoming a priest,…

  • Phil Brenan Gets It Right

    Phil Brenan is an old school Catholic. In other words he believes what the Church believes and assents to its authority. Recently 48 Dems in the US House sent a letter to Bishop McCarrick warning him that refusing communion obstinately pro-abort “Catholics” would reignite anti-Catholic biases. Here is Phil’s response. You gotta love the audacity…

  • Yet Another Reporter Doesn’t Get It

    Mark Shea pointed this article out on his blog. Unfortunately, it’s written by someone for the Detroit News. I grieve for my home state at times. It’s bad enough we have a pro-abortion Catholic as governor, but we also have enablers. Here is my response to the article as posted to the comments section online……

  • Faith Alone vs. Faith in Action

    There’s a church called First Church of the Nazarene (wouldn’t that be the Catholic Church?) near our house and like most Protestant churches they have a sign out front to put pithy little sayings. Currently it says “Following Jesus is about a person, not a path.” Translation… Faith alone saves us. Now as a Catholic…

  • Alabama Christian Coalition President Converts to Catholicism!

    Thanks to Amy Welborn for this one. Saw it on her blog. This was kind of “WHOA!!!!” when I saw it. Not every day you see an article about someone who heads up the state chapter of the largest conservative evangelical organization in the country become Catholic. I have to say that this is one…

  • Not All “Victims” Tell the Truth Either

    A woman in France has admitted lying about 17 sex abuse and pedophilia accusations. She has caused one man to commit suicide and another almost died from his 93 day hunger strike. Marriages have ended in divorce. Children have been taken from parents. The man who committed suicide was incarcerated as a “preventative” measure. Just…

  • Worcester MA Bishop Calls a Spade a Spade

    Well, we have yet another episcopal spine alert! This Bishop was merely reacting to the statements of a Catholic public official stating that allowing for gay marriages was in line with Catholic teaching on inclusivity. OK… Let me get this straight. It’s inclusive to allow and encourage people to commit acts that are undeniably contrary…