Category: Uncategorized
“Native American” not just for injuns
I know that’s going to get me in some hot water, but I really don’t care. I absolutely detest this “Native American” thing. If you don’t want to be called indians, I don’t mind. After all, that’s a cartography mistake to begin with. Go with the tribal names. That’s appropriate. But to call all descendants…
Weirdness comes disguised…
OK… I admit when I saw the article about an indian (I refuse to say Native American… more on that in the next entry) skinning the head of a bald eagle that I thought this would be some story about indian ritual challenging the law like that case about peyote a few years back. The…
Who Else Is Tired of “Pastoral”?
I don’t know about you people, but I am about fed up with the word PASTORAL…. As in “We must have a PASTORAL response to the heretics, apostates and dissenters in our ranks.” Why can’t you call a spade a shovel without getting everyone’s panties in a bunch? This goes beyond loving correction. It seems…
So Was It a Just War or Not?
George Weigel, the official biographer of PJII, has a new article on whether the Iraq war was just or not. Weigel is an excellent author and politically conservative to go with his orthodoxy. Unlike many in the Church, including JPII, Weigel believed the war was just then and still does. I agree with him. There…
This Ought to be Good… NOT!
Dems in Congress are getting ready a Catholic Scorecard so they can compare their voting records to those of Republicans on issues identified as a high priority by the USCCB. I quote: …the scorecard will compare the votes of Catholic members of both parties on a issues defined as legislative priorities by the US Conference…
Long Awaited Document On the Eucharist Is Almost Here
Finally!!!! On Friday the Vatican is going to release the follow-up document to the Encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharista. That was an 87 page letter to the Church on the importance and meaning of the Eucharist. This new document is supposed to set out disciplinary norms to govern liturgical abuse. I don’t know about you, but…
Been busy… 🙂
OK… OK… So, it’s been several days since I posted something. Had a busy end of the week and lots went by that I wished I had commented on. Ah well. Something I do want to explore is something I heard on Radio Replies on Friday. Radio Replies is a great, old Q&A program with…
US Bishops Dept. of Education Blasts Left Behind Series
Well, it’s about time! I have read numerous articles, web pages and a couple of books about the Catholic response to the End Times Fevor, but I don’t think a single one came from the episcopate. Finally you get that from Living Light, the official quarterly publication of the US Bishop’s Dept. of Education. Get…
UN Gets Religion
Well… Not exactly. Turns out though that the international bureaucrats at the UN really would like us all to just get along. At a recent conference, they proposed that all religions stop proselityzing and accecpt that all religions get their truth from the same source. Ooooookay. Francis Cardinal Arinze (who I got to meet and…
What Can I Get Away With and STILL Be Catholic?
That title pretty much sums up modern feelings about Western religion, I think. In Catholicism we see not just the advent, but the acceptance, of cafeteria-Catholics. In Anglicanism we see the slow but steady discarding of ancient moral standards, beginning with the acceptance of divorce at its beginning and on to contraception, ordaining women and…