Category: Politics
What Does It Mean to Impose One’s Beliefs On Another?
OK. I realize that I am coing to the Hobby Lobby discussion a little late. Still, I wanted to weigh in and finally found the time. Those that side with Hobby Lobby, and yes I am one of them, say that the Supreme Court’s decision was correct because the government was interfering in the owner’s…
Murkowski – Canon 915 Candidate?
According to this article, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) – AK, has openly stated that she regrets her vote for conscience protection regarding the HHS mandate and would not vote so again. She stated that the best way to prevent abortion was to reduce unwanted pregnancies, which is best done through contraception according to her. When…
Hillary Is An Idiot
Just a couple of days after the 32nd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized the murder of unborn children up to and during delivery, Hillary Clinton has the audacity to come out and make a speech about how we need to find some common ground so that we can make abortion safe, legal…
Post Election Stuff
Well, I don’t know about the rest of you; but I was pretty ecstatic over the election results nationwide. There were a few exceptions though. I must admit that the Maniacs were rooting for Specter to lose in PA when it looked like he was behind by a lot. Thought it would teach the old…
Values and Decision Making
In an older blog post I posited that having bad values and positions on the life issues calls into question a person’s ability to lead an ethical and moral life. I want to revisit that today in terms of the election and the two candidates for President. I believe that when you respect life from…
The Election
This past week I have spent a lot of time watching movies and TV (furthering the notion that there’s almost NOTHING worth watching on TV and we don’t get EWTN) and surfing the internet tracking the polls and campaign news. As the Election approaches, the one thing that comes to mind is that I can’t…
National Review has a 2 page blog article this week
Blog Guide 2004, a 2 page chart of important blogs, is part of this week’s National Review. CM didn’t make the chart, but there’s always next year. Among those who did make the cut, Instapundit, Little Green Footballs, Michelle Malkin and Mark Steyn. In addition, the role of bloggers in Rathergate is discussed, including in…
NJ Governor Quits and Comes Out of the Closet
Story Here. OK. What to say here? Are we to be glad to see a pro-abortion governor gone? Or are we saddened to see what heart-ache and pain this is going to cause this man’s wife and children? He had to come out and step down because it was going to cause conflicts for the…
Kerry Picks Anti-“Under God” Religion Advisor
Got this one off of NewsMax this morning… Apparently Johnny-boy thinks a religious advisor who insults Christians is OK. Personally, I doubt it matters to people of deep, traditional (read historic and conservative) faith anyway, as they aren’t likely to vote for a pro-abort candidate. Of course this is only marginally better than his previous…
The Church and Politics
Hey guys… Been really busy with this new contract of late. It’s making even weekend blogging a hard thing to come by. Had a couple of minutes and I wanted to make a point or two. Every liberal, pro-abort, big-government, socialist Democrat in America can go to any church in the country and make speeches…