Category: Diaconate
Anointing of the Sick
Great article at the Homiletic and Pastoral Review website about it. This is about the over use and abuse of the sacrament, but it also explains perfectly why Deacons ought not to be able to do this sacrament as I have heard many suggest, both in class and on teh interwebz, as the Gormogons might…
Less Than 100 Days
That’s how much time until my Diaconal ordination into the Permanent Diaconate. Seems like just last year that my class got together for the first time. I still can’t believe they let me in, much less let me get this far! In these last four years, I have gained new brothers and sisters in my…
HOMILY – Christmas Eve (Vigil Mass) 2010 – The Church As Family
Okay – I’ve been away for some time – apologies for that. I’m going to post this homily – and try and post mine on a more regular basis now (once you get to far behind it’s tough to try and catch up. Easiest thing to do is make a resolution to do better, and…
Whats a deacon do? – The Deacons Bench
Whats a deacon do? – The Deacons Bench Go there. Read. I had a great post written about what being a deacon means, can mean and must mean to us and the Church. It really was a good piece of writing. I was even going to bring in Dignitatis Humane Personae, the declaration on religious…
Priestly Vocations
Over at Fr. Z’s blog, What does the Prayer Really Say?, someone commented that the permanent diaconate should be gotten rid of, at least partially because it has caused or contributed to a decline in the number of priestly vocations. Well, I obviously couldn’t let that pass, now could I? Go here to read my…
Diaconate Journey
I’m actually a couple of weeks behind on this one. We’ve started formation for the Dicaonate finally. Started on July 19th with orientation. Our class has 18 men and 17 wives, and there doesn’t seem to be a person there we didn’t like. Pretty interesting mix of people, plus a lot of similarities too. Several have…
It is now O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L. We are accepted into the Deacon Aspirancy Class of 2012. We met with Archbishop Kurtz yesterday afternoon for a little less than 45 minutes total. He is an extremely gracious and engaging man. We truly enjoyed our talk with him. For some reason he didn’t have our packet with all the…
Meeting with the Archbishop on Friday
Finally another Diaconate update. We had the psych test done way back in February. Mrs. Fric finished it in 3 hours. Took me another hour on top of that. Some of it was really odd. Some of it was relatively obvious. Weird parts were the questions like “Would you like to be a florist?” and “If…
Diaconate Application Update
I have been quite remiss in my updates on my application to enter the Permanent Diaconate. Since I last blogged about it, I had my perceiver interview, submitted my full application and have had my home interview. The Perceiver Interview was done about a week or two after the last post in early October on…
Quick Note on Perceiver Interview
A couple of days ago I got the call from Deacon Gerry to setup my perceiver interview. That’s Wednesday the 10th. Apparently, he’s the same Deacon who interviewed one of the other men from my parish that also applied to the Diaconate. Inching closer and closer. I can tell it’s getting more and more real…