Good Friday

Obviously, today is Good Friday… At once the most sorrowful and most joyous of days in the history of man.

Today we abstain from meat and fast. That means no meat but fish or seafood and 2 small meals that add up to no more than the 3rd. Of course we are free to do more as our penitential act.

Good Friday has more meaning to me than ever before since seeing the Passion of the Christ. There are not words sufficient to explain the impact of that movie in my opinion. The images from the movie are paramount in my mind when I think about the events of Good Friday.

The most important thing to remember today is that God loves us so much that He chose to save us from ourselves. He did this by becoming man and replacing the ineffective animal sacrifices with the only possible effective sacrifice for our sins.


Man brought sin into the world. Therefore, man must atone for sins. But only God could atone fully, for our sins are too great to atone ourselves. Therefore only the fully human and fully divine Jesus Christ could pay the price in full for us.

That is love.





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