Comments on: Recommendation from Alicia It's CRAZY Everyone's Not Catholic Mon, 14 Jun 2004 19:01:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: alicia Mon, 14 Jun 2004 19:01:28 +0000 It comes in various editions as there are actually 3 parts (as is traditional). Part 1 is very simple, meant to prepare for first communion, part 2 is for older children, and part 3 for adults or near adults (such as converts). My copy is a second printing from 1932 that is blessed with pencilled in comments from the original owner. It has 482 pages and corresponds to # 9 on your search list.
You may also appreciate the content of the introduction, as it speaks to the decree Quam Singulari, about the admission of younger (then at that time customary) children to Holy Communion and the need for continued catechesis after that event.
I also purchased a part one to give to a couple of young parents who we are sort of mentoring in parenting for their young children.
