Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • New Little Maniac Coming in October!

    Greetings Fellow Maniacs! Been busy obviously of late. No posting and all. But I return with awesome news! Mrs. Fric and I have been blessed with the impending arrival of a new little Maniac! This is our third child and the older two are actually excited rather than mortified. Considering the age differences (9 and…

  • Words from the 1800?s

    Some things should not be forgotten “The world has never had a good definition of the word ‘liberty.’ The American people just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty. But in using the same word, we do not all mean the same thing. “What constitutes the bulwark of our liberty…

  • Sorry for the Lack of Posting Lately…

    But been busy with the new job and the old side work. Also moving the CM stuff to a new server. So that should be interesting. We have been getting a lot of hits on our site from search engines on things like “lutherism” (I accidentally misspelled LutherAnism), Fr. Corapi and more. It will be…

  • Superstition

    Looks like we have a Friday the 13th showing up next week in this month of Jan. So do we have any Catholic people out there who still allows themselves to be swayed any by this particular event? Perhaps there or other old wives tales that may still come forth from time to time. Chime…

  • What will it foretell

    Well it seems as if we have a new status quo in the state of Isreal. My thoughts and prayers go out to PM Sharon and his family. It seems according to the news wires that Sharon has suffered a massive stroke and put on life support and politcal power has been transferred to deputy…

  • What never changes

    Its hard to believe I have now been out of Louisville KY for a year and a half. In fact I have not seen any of the Maniacs since the Christmas of 04 though we do converse by email often. Some things a person would like to think are unchangable but the older I get…

  • Iraq

    We haven’t covered Iraq much. There has been a lot to talk about. Many Catholic blogs, including those I link to, talk about them often. Mark Shea’s Catholic and Enjoying It! has had many ongoing discussions about whether the war in Iraq met the Church’s Just War criteria. A new common topic is about torture,…

  • Hope Everyone Had a Happy New Year!

    Happy 2006 everyone! I know I am late with those well wishes… Ah well. Too busy yesterday with trying to get some work done on the old job so I can move on to the new job. Hopefully I can get that done ASAP and have some time off before I must start the new…

  • Looks Like I Owe No Apology

    Missed the first half of the “investigation” because Mrs. Fric and I were watching Lost episodes. What can I say? What I did see was pure crap. The sane people (those that contend Pope Joan is a lie) pointed to things like no gap in the Papal record and Papal coins with correct dates and…

  • ABC to Air Pope Joan Investigation

    Tonight on ABC Diane Sawyer will host a special on the infamous and non-existent “Pope Joan”. This so-called Pope was supposed to have lived in the early part of the ninth century during a time when the Church was still united. The story goes that Joan had long disguised herself as a man and entered…

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