Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Man Returns to Church After 80 YEARS

    Finally, a good story from the local newspaper. Normally don’t touch the rag. He was abused in 1929. His mother, a non-Catholic believed him and pulled him from the Catholic school. His father and his family who were good friends with the priest in question, did not believe him. It tore apart his family and…

  • Whats a deacon do? – The Deacons Bench

    Whats a deacon do? – The Deacons Bench Go there. Read. I had a great post written about what being a deacon means, can mean and must mean to us and the Church. It really was a good piece of writing. I was even going to bring in Dignitatis Humane Personae, the declaration on religious…

  • Priestly Vocations

    Over at Fr. Z’s blog, What does the Prayer Really Say?, someone commented that the permanent diaconate should be gotten rid of, at least partially because it has caused or contributed to a decline in the number of priestly vocations. Well, I obviously couldn’t let that pass, now could I? Go here to read my…

  • Fric Could Use a Little Help

    This is Fric and I come to you, hat in hand, today to ask if you might be able to make a small donation to me and my family. I lost my job 4 months ago and we have just about run the course of keeping our heads above water. In a couple of months,…

  • Galarraga was Screwed

    Armando Galarraga of the Detroit Tigers took a PERFECT GAME into the 9th inning of tonight’s game against the Indians. Got the first out on a spectactular catch by CF Austin Jackson. Second out was routine. 26 up and 26 down. No hits, no walks. 27th batter hits what appears to be a routine grounder…

  • Lost Commentary and How It Should Have Ended

    First off, the way it should have ended as seen at The Daily What. Of course the ending of Lost has the blogosphere all a blogging and the twitterverse all atwitter. What did it mean? Which timeline was real? Was any of it real? What answers did we get and what didn’t we get? Personally, I…

  • Immanentize the Eschaton Watch – Jonah Goldberg

    Immanentize the Eschaton Watch – Jonah Goldberg – The Corner on National Review Online. Brother HeathenBoy emailed this to Fric and Deke earlier this morning and it was too priceless not to post here. Click, read and enjoy.

  • HOMILY – 17th sunday Ordinary Time, Cycle B – The Feeding of the 5000

    This is one I was particularly proud to present. I was affored the opputunity to refute the oh so common “Jesus just taught us all to share” hogwash that so often gets put out when this reading comes up. I leave it for all you readers to judge if I hit the mark. The readings…

  • HOMILY – Corpus Christi Sunday, 2009

    This was one I really enjoyed doing – it seemed to be a moment to refute the “it’s all about us” mentaility that seems so pervasive in so many places today (but thankfully NOT at my parish – they very much seem to hunger for these type of homilies if their comments to me are…

  • In defense of his own theology | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/05/2009

    Was browsing Google News and found this little tidbit. Apparently Archbishop Weakland, formerly of Milwaukee, has written a memoir defending his ministry work which was focused on the democratization of the Church. So telling is this quote from the article… Weakland’s affinity for monasticism’s collaborative style, which resisted autocratic rule, conditioned him to embrace the…

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