Month: July 2004

  • Australian Churches Move to Work Together

    We Maniacs discussed this internally somewhat yesterday… Actually, it was mentioned and then commented on by HeathenBoy. It then degenerated into an intense discussion on the religious worldview of said HeathenBoy. Interesting day to say the least. Anyway, Australia’s Catholic Bishops and representatives of 14 Protestant denominations committed to a sharing of resources and ministers.…

  • Planned Parenthood Sickness

    OK. This is totally sick. SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!!! Planned Parenthood has announced for sale a new blood red (how appropriate) t-shirt that states “I had an abortion.” Now you too can walk around town proudly proclaiming the fact that you killed your defenseless, innocent child in your very own womb! How wonderful! And only $15…

  • Notes From the Church Teaches Forum

    Wow… So busy, but since the Deacon hasn’t gotten off his Deke yet to post some notes, I figured I ought to. 🙂 Friday night Deacon, Mrs. Deacon, myself and Mrs. Fric met up at the Galt House for the first night of the Church Teaches Forum. The Forum is put on by Eternal Life,…

  • The Church and Politics

    Hey guys… Been really busy with this new contract of late. It’s making even weekend blogging a hard thing to come by. Had a couple of minutes and I wanted to make a point or two. Every liberal, pro-abort, big-government, socialist Democrat in America can go to any church in the country and make speeches…

  • Disturbing Trend With Some Web Commenters…

    I surf a lot of different news sites and blogs, like a lot of you I am sure… I have noticed that there are an awful lot of angry Catholics out there. Well, duh, Fric! OK. OK. I deserved that. Seriously though, the places I go to you would expect Catholics of the orthodox bent.…

  • Happy Birthday USA and Me

    Today is the 228th birthday of the United States of America… And the 38th birthday of Fric. Happy birthday to us. 🙂

  • Ecumenism Makes Some Headlines

    The subject of ecumenism rears its head this past week. Normally, this is a subject I approach with some queasiness, because it seems in this country it means we Catholics give up what makes us Catholic to make friends with those who have no interest in being united with us in the faith… No matter…

  • Time to catch up again…

    Well, the weekend is here and it’s time to catch up. As I said last week, I will be blogging mostly on the weekends it seems until the end of July. The plus side of that is that the Fric household is getting some nice coin coming in for a while. 🙂 And Mrs. Fric…